Sunday 15 July 2012

Venice the Menace

Zenon:  In serious social withdrawal (no offense, Andrijko).  We have gone from being surrounded by friends for every waking moment in Kyiv, to hanging out with a close-knit group of friends in Lviv, to just me and Andrijko strolling the streets of Venice, with naught but each other's company to keep us well as a million pigeons and twice as many tourists.

Yesterday, Andrijko was mistaken for a girl for the fourth time, to my recollection. We were sitting at a table sipping some (relatively) cheap wine in a piazza, when a homely brown man tried to sell me flowers to give to the person across from me at the table.  I promptly responded, "Why would I need those? (points at Andrijko) That's a boy."  Though this does give further credence to Mama Semaniuk's calls to get Andrijko's hair cut.  It's okay Mama Irka, you have a new son to be proud of - I got my hair cut two days ago :)

I personally have minimal exposure to Europe in my adult years (Ukraine notwithstanding - Ukraine is a far cry from your typical European experience). After years of seeing Venice hyped up and displayed ad nauseam in movies and television, I only have one thing to say to those that have never been - it is 100 times better and cooler than the movies can even hope to show.  How do you explain to someone through moving pictures the experience of not seeing a single car in a metropolis teeming with human traffic, of major thoroughfares being 5 feet wide, of almost every single building being waterfront property?  To someone born and raised in relatively nascent and mostly uninteresting Canadian cities, Venice is truly awe-inspiring.  Don't get me wrong - Canada by far the number one place to live.  I would hate to live in Venice. A small apartment can run you up a million dollars, and according to Rick Steves' audio guides, your home will flood 100 times a year on average.  But much like your first time driving alone, your first time on a roller coaster, your first time at Mongos in Winnipeg - and possibly some "other things" you did for the first time - the first time you experience it, it is magnificent.... And maybe even overwhelming. 


  1. We went to venice, florence and rome in 2009! It was a great great trip!!! I just discovered this blog haha i can't believe andriyko has been mistaken for a girl 4 times!

  2. It must be the facial hair!! It confuses a lot of Italians. Don't show them your back hair they will follow you everywhere.


  3. No way!! We were in Venice at the same time (we left Venice for Milan on the 16th)! Too bad we couldn't coordinate that. Sounds like you two are having a blast! Keep it up! Тримайтеся!

